Tuesday, 29 November 2016

How to Write an Attractive Essay - 8 Top Tips for College Students

Writing an essay often seems to be a dreaded task among students. Whether the essay is for a scholarship, a class, or maybe even a contest, many students often find the task overwhelming. While an essay is a large project, there are many steps a student can take that will help break down the task into manageable parts. Following this process is the easiest way to draft a successful and attractive essay, whatever its purpose might be.

1. Pick a topic.
You may have your topic assigned, or you may be given free rein to write on the subject of your choice. If you are given the topic, you should think about the type of paper that you want to produce. Should it be a general overview of the subject or a specific analysis? Narrow your focus if necessary.
If you have not been assigned a topic, you have a little more work to do. However, this opportunity also gives you the advantage to choose a subject that is interesting or relevant to you. First, define your purpose. Is your essay to inform or persuade?

Once you have determined the purpose, you will need to do some research on topics that you find intriguing. Think about your life. What is it that interests you? Jot these subjects down.
Finally, evaluate your options. If your goal is to educate, choose a subject that you have already studied. If your goal is to persuade, choose a subject that you are passionate about. Whatever the mission of the essay, make sure that you are interested in your topic.

2. Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas.
In order to write an attractive essay, you must organize your thoughts. By taking what’s already in your head and putting it to paper, you are able to see connections and links between ideas more clearly. This structure serves as a foundation for your paper. Use either an outline or a diagram to jot down your ideas and organize them.

To create a diagram, write your topic in the middle of your page. Draw three to five lines branching off from this topic and write down your main ideas at the ends of these lines. Draw more lines off these main ideas and include any thoughts you may have on these ideas.
If you prefer to create an outline, write your topic at the top of the page. From there, begin to list your main ideas, leaving space under each one. In this space, make sure to list other smaller ideas that relate to each main idea. Doing this will allow you to see connections and will help you to write a more organized essay.

3. Write your thesis statement.
Now that you have chosen a topic and sorted your ideas into relevant categories, you must create a thesis statement. Your thesis statement tells the reader the point of your essay. Look at your outline or diagram. What are the main ideas?
Your thesis statement will have two parts. The first part states the topic, and the second part states the point of the essay

An example of a thesis statement is this one for the “Winning Characteristics” Scholarship essay: “During my high school career, I have exhibited several of the “Winning Characteristics,” including Communication Skills, Leadership Skills and Organization Skills, through my involvement in Student Government, National Honor Society, and a part-time job at Macy’s Department Store.”

4. Write the body.
The body of your essay argues, explains or describes your topic. Each main idea that you wrote in your diagram or outline will become a separate section within the body of your essay.
Each body paragraph will have the same basic structure. Begin by writing one of your main ideas as the introductory sentence. Next, write each of your supporting ideas in sentence format, but leave three or four lines in between each point to come back and give detailed examples to back up your position. Fill in these spaces with relative information that will help link smaller ideas together.

5. Write the introduction.
Now that you have developed your thesis and the overall body of your essay, you must write an introduction. The introduction should attract the reader’s attention and show the focus of your essay.
Begin with an attention grabber. You can use shocking information, dialogue, a story, a quote, or a simple summary of your topic. Whichever angle you choose, make sure that it ties in with your thesis statement, which will be included as the last sentence of your introduction.

6. Write the conclusion.
The conclusion brings closure of the topic and sums up your overall ideas while providing a final perspective on your topic. Your conclusion should consist of three to five strong sentences. Simply review your main points and provide reinforcement of your thesis.

7. Add the finishing touches.
After writing your conclusion, you might think that you have completed your essay. Wrong. Before you consider this a finished work, you must pay attention to all the small details.
Check the order of your paragraphs. Your strongest points should be the first and last paragraphs within the body, with the others falling in the middle. Also, make sure that your paragraph order makes sense. If your essay is describing a process, such as how to make a great chocolate cake, make sure that your paragraphs fall in the correct order.

8. Review of the essay

Review the instructions for your essay, if applicable. Many teachers and scholarship forms follow different formats, and you must double check instructions to ensure that your essay is in the desired format. Finally, review what you have written. Reread your paper and check to see if it makes sense. Make sure that sentence flow is smooth and add phrases to help connect thoughts or ideas. Check your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Monday, 28 November 2016

How to Write a College-Level Essay?

It's one of the most important skills required at the college level: the ability to write a strong essay. From biology to political science, essays are used in nearly every field of study to express research and ideas. A college-level essay presents complex material in an easy-to-follow format without oversimplifying the content. Essays come in many shapes and sizes at the college level. For students, it could be a term paper or in-class exam. For professors, it could be departmental research. Whatever the case, college-level writing is simple. It just takes some work.

1. Research:
 First, choose a topic. Then, make sure to research it as much as possible. Know the material inside and out and become an expert on it. This will help connect the dots between various points in order to form a compelling argument. Within the essay and develop an outline. Research facts, statistics and academic writings that relate to your topic through your school library or Internet.

2. Study: After immersing yourself in your research and learning all there is to know about the topic, analyze the information. Don’t think just surface level- what is the author actually saying? What is his or her argument and why is he or she trying to prove that point? Is the author accurate? Credible? Dissect their piece and read like the author.Conventions are methods used in writing to enhance the product and make it more readable and understandable. They also determine what category or genre the piece belongs in. Types of conventions include but are not limited to mechanics, format, sentence structure, and word usage

3. Take your stance and form your argument: While researching and your argument are forming, mark pieces of evidence in the research that could be useful pieces of evidence for your paper. Don’t be afraid to mark more than you need because it’ll give you more options later on when you finalize what evidence you’re using.

4. Free write:
 This is a part of brainstorming. At this point, a million different ideas and connections are forming in your head and it is important to get them all out. Don't pay attention to the format or flow. In fact, use a pen to keep yourself from erasing anything because everything that comes out is important. Just write and write for ten minutes straight and get everything in your head on paper. Later, you will shift through it all and pick out the most important points that fit together the best.

5. Construct your thesis:
 What your essay is going to be about. The thesis sentence is generally located in the final sentence of your introduction. Synthesize your main points and argument of the paper into a coherent sentence or two. This doesn’t need to be permanent and is subject to change. It will serve as a guideline for the paper in the time being.

6. Create an outline: Next, make an outline of your essay. Separate your points into appropriate paragraphs and write notes about what you are going to include. After you have this all written down, ensure your ideas flow and you have enough points by picking evidence for each point.
Go back through the evidence you marked earlier or flip through your research again to find additional evidence if it does not sufficiently back up your claims. After this is complete and your outline logically flows, you are ready to begin writing.

7. Write your introduction: Provide a preview of what you're presenting in your essay. Explain what you're arguing and how you're going to argue that point. Compose your introduction that starts with a hook to capture the reader’s attention. In the paragraph, include your sources, thesis, and a “road map” for your essay.

8. Expand with body paragraphs: Make sure each body paragraph has a single main idea. If there are more than one, the paragraph can get confusing and one point will get overpowered by the other. Each paragraph should also have a topic sentence that tells the reader what that paragraph is going to tell them. Once again, don’t explicitly say, “In this paragraph I will explain.

9. Form your conclusion: Tie together your essay with a final conclusion of your argument. Give your reader something to walk away with after reading your essay. For example, have a call to action, leave them pondering a question or with something memorable, or maybe you’ll even end up blowing the reader's minds with something they’ve never thought of or considered.

10. Revise your piece: First, set your paper aside. Give yourself a little break to refresh your mind and then come back to revise. One helpful technique is to slowly read your essay out loud to yourself. The key is to read it out loud because you will catch more mistakes that way.

11. Take time to reflect: Reflect on your writing, the process of how you completed it, and how you feel about your work. This process identifies the positives and the negatives of the paper, which could help improve it. Write down what you consider to be the downfalls of your paper and you can even go back to the revision stage and fix these once they are identified.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Why are Students Poorly Prepared to Write Essays?

When students lack skills in these areas, their writing may be unsatisfactory in multiple ways – from poor grammar and syntax to unclear organization to weak reasoning and arguments. Complicating matters is the fact that many students’ reading skills are also poor. For example, if they cannot recognize the main point of an argument in their reading, they obviously cannot respond to this point in their writing. In addition, students often lack the meta-cognitive skills to recognize the areas in which their prior knowledge and skills are insufficient – and thus which skills they need to work to improve.

During their high school careers, most of our students were not writing with the frequency we might expect, nor were they doing the types of writing that we will require of them in their college years.
One of the essential skills of students on every level of education is writing. The process of writing involves a bunch of various skills. All these skills have to be mastered completely and should include: 

- Analytical comprehension
- Reading comprehension
- Writing skills
- planning a writing strategy
- organizing ideas effectively
- Effectively marshaling evidence and using sources appropriately 
- communicating ideas clearly and concisely; o constructing a reasoned, demonstrable argument; 
- writing mechanics: grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc.

These skills represent writing from various aspects and lacking only one of the skills can be very unsatisfactory. For example, if a student does not have an ability to understand the main point of the text listening to it, he definitely cannot write a good response to the text. Reading and listening skills are very important components of writing. 

The problem of writing also has another educational aspect. During previous years in school the students are required mostly to support and offer opinions, which are relatively easy tasks if compared to that they are going to write in college. If they enter college or university, the papers they need to write are much more difficult. They will require not only personal opinion of the writer but selecting the best of works in the subject area, prioritizing discoveries and use others to prove own point. For example, they are required to propose a complex solution, criticize a point of view of another writer, discover a problem and offer ways for resolving. All these goals by students may be only achieved if supported by relevant works in the area. 

Furthermore, the students need to shape their essay writing to capture attention of other viewers and revise if necessary. As survey by the Chronicle of Higher Education showed, more than a half of students that enter college have never written an essay that is longer than five pages. This suggests that many students do not have necessary skill set because they do not understand the complexity of college writing. In order to build a reasonable argument, you have to use works of other scientists, results from studies and personal observations. Everything that is written should be supported.

Besides, students may have many bad habits that need to be UN-learned in college. For example, some student may use awkward grammatical instructions because they were told to avoid first person writing in school by their teachers. It is fair to say that it is normal for a student to come to college and continue to improve his or her skills because college writing is a complex process that requires most of the knowledge and skills of young writers. So all mentioned aspects are the reasons why school students have poor writing skills. Be sure to improve your own abilities before you enter a college. It is an important stage in life so you need to be prepared as much as you can.

Friday, 25 November 2016

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your College Writing Skills

Many students begin college unprepared for and overwhelmed by the high standard of writing that professors immediately expect from them. Improving your college writing skills is one of the best ways to decrease your stress and improve your grades in college. These 10 tips will help you focus on how to communicate your ideas in a way that professors will understand, appreciate and commend. I hope this writing advice will serve you throughout your college career and beyond.

1. Focus On the Subject: Wordy, winding treatises that address the topic only imaginatively or fail to incorporate the suggested materials are unlikely to impress professors at the university level. The ability to focus directly on the specific topic is one of the most important college writing skills you will need to master and it will help you achieve better grades.

2. Sum it Up: Most writing assignments can be significantly improved by including a short introductory paragraph identifying the issues to be discussed and a conclusion that provides a summary of the arguments and topics contained in the paper.

3.  Quiet is Golden: For many students, finding a quiet area in which to complete assignments can significantly improve the quality of their final papers. Distractions like loud music and loud roommates can prove damaging even to students with outstanding college writing skills. It is advisable to avoid these distractions by retreating to the library or another quiet spot to complete writing assignments more quickly and professionally.

4.  Play to the Spectators: If the professor has expressed a strong opinion on the topic contained in the assignment, it is usually a good idea to at least pay lip service to that opinion when writing the paper. For students who do take a dissenting position, it is necessary to support that position with evidence and facts in order to avoid being marked down at grading time.

5. Plan Your Time: Even students with exceptional college writing skills need a certain amount of time to collect their thoughts and compose their papers. Avoid the last minute rush to complete assignments by budgeting enough time for researching, writing and proofreading the paper in advance of its due date.

6. Get a Second Opinion: Roommates, friends and other professors can often lend a helping hand in proofreading and editing a paper for maximum effectiveness before it is submitted. This can improve the quality of the paper and the consequent grade it is awarded. Of course, you can also hire an academic proofreading service to review your most important papers.

The ability to research and create a bibliography for an assignment is one of the most vital college writing skills. For students who are unsure about where to begin, the university library typically can provide resources and reference librarians are often happy to help students who are beginning research projects. While most professors will not decrease one’s grade for exceeding the recommended length, producing the bare minimum length may result in a lower grade. By honing and polishing college writing skills with constant practice, students can better prepare themselves for the requirements of life after graduation and ensure that they can communicate their ideas effectively and concisely in the business and academic worlds.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

How to Write a Successful College Essay

It’s one of the most important components of your application—the essays. It’s a chance to add depth to something that is important to you. Ultimately, the essays should convey to the admissions committee why Hopkins could be a good fit for you, and how you might contribute to the campus community.

The personal statement might just be the hardest part of your college application. Mostly this is because it has the least guidance and is the most open-ended. One way to understand what colleges are looking for when they ask you to write an essay is to check out the essays of students that already got in - college essays that worked. After all, they must be among the most successful of this weird literary genre.

How to write a successful college essay? Let me present you a easy, three-step method on how to write a successful college essay that will get you started. Here are the steps:
Choose your topic.

  • Write your thesis statement.
  • Write the body of the essay.
  • If you study how to complete these three steps, then you may self-confidently say that you know how to write a successful college essay.
  • Choose a topic for your college essay
  • Choosing a topic when you study how to write a college essay seems attractive clear but what is taking a stand? The topic is really WHAT you’re writing about.
  • Write your thesis statement
  • The first sentence of your thesis statement must simply be the stand. When you are starting to learn how to write a college essay, attach to straightforwardness. Later, you’ll be able to write far more complex and attractive essay.
  • Write the body of the essay
After writing the above steps, then this step should be considerably easier than ever in your earlier period experience. And this is because now that you have a total thesis statement, you already have the outline of your complete paper.

Quality will quickly be known as the most essential criteria when choosing the best essaywriting service online. The assured quality of the paper must be high quality and the service must be fast and sensitive. Basically, the writer or the essay writing company with whom you have reliable your assignment with, must be capable to deliver basically the type of assignment you are seeking for and in the perfect style of writing you need, no matter if it is APA, Harvard or Chicago writing style.

Your essay reveals something important about you that your grades and test scores can't—your personality. It can give admission officers a sense of who you are, as well as showcasing your writing skills. Try these tips to craft your essay. Starting the essay can be the hardest part. Brainstorming about your personality traits and defining your strengths is a good place to begin. After you've gathered your notes, create an outline to organize your essay and decide where you want examples to appear. Now you're ready to write your first draft. Don't worry about making it perfect. Just get your ideas flowing and your thoughts down on paper. You'll fix mistakes and improve the writing in later drafts. Give your essay focus by figuring out how the question relates to your personal qualities and then taking a specific angle. Make sure everything you write supports that viewpoint. Read about how some students a college freshman, had to describe why she would make a good Reed College student for that school's essay. The essay question might ask you about your best quality, an experience that shaped you or the reason you want to attend a certain college. Don't be tempted to write what you think the admission officers want to hear; answer the question honestly. The essay question might ask you about your best quality, an experience that shaped you or the reason you want to attend a certain college. Don't be tempted to write what you think the admission officers want to hear; answer the question honestly.

Some Money Saving Tricks for College Students

Saving money as a college student is critical. The more you save, the better off you’ll be. And, while plenty of expenses arise, there are also plenty of overlooked opportunities for students to save. Don’t allow yourself to overlook these opportunities! If there’s ever a time to live frugally, college is it. You’re currently in a very unique situation where frugality is the ubiquitous norm. It’s highly unlikely that you will ever find yourself in this same scenario – so take advantage of the situation while you’re in it. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy the finer things in life once you graduate! The following money saving tips is opportunities to save those students often ignore or overlook. Start taking advantage of these chances to save
 Know your “wants” from your “needs” Everyone has both “wants” and “needs” in life and they are often easy to tell apart. But, sometimes, our wants become so overwhelming that we trick ourselves into feeling that it’s a need. Start asking yourself whether items are necessary before making a purchase. You’ll likely surprise yourself at how little you actually need.
Create a budget for yourself. Work on creating a realistic budget that you can stick to, incorporating any regular bills or payments. A budget isn’t set in stone and often takes several attempts to get right  so keep working on it until you find the right balance!
Try different savings and budgeting methods to see what works for you. There are many savings and budgeting methods out there. Much like finding the right match, you need to find the right systems that work for your lifestyle. Don’t give up on the first, second or, even, fifth try – keep going until you find the method that works best for you.
Try to create a “rainy day fund,” just in case of emergencies you never want to find yourself in a sticky financial situation with no way out. That’s why it’s always important to put extra money aside whenever possible as a “just in case” fund.

Buy textbooks after you’ve attended classes. It’s important to go to class to make sure you’re not planning to drop the course before you buy the textbook. This is key because you will not get the same value when you sell the book. Additionally, professors will often let you know which books are absolutely necessary and which books aren’t. From there, you can make educated decisions on which texts to purchase.

Shop around for textbooks to find the best prices. Don’t purchase books at your university bookstore because it’s convenient. Shop around for prices at local bookstores and online for competitive pricing to ensure savings.

Check to see if alternative textbook forms are an option. E-books, sharing, rented, free PDF forms or earlier editions of the texts are often significantly lower in price. Before you decide to go that route, however, make sure they will work for your course.

Use city transportation instead of having a car. Along with the price of a car comes the prices of maintenance, gas, insurance, parking passes, and, perhaps, tickets. Or, you if you do drive, carpool with friends so that you can all pitch in for the cost of gas.

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Sunday, 20 November 2016

College Freshmen Tips and Advice

With college starting up again and college freshmen getting acclimated to their new schools, MONEY staffers thought the time was right to pass along some advice based on their experiences at school. So we rounded up a bunch of (mostly) young staffers with fresh memories of the right and wrong choices they made on campus. Here’s a sample of some of the good advice in this video:
Make friends Join clubs to meet people. Talk to them in the cafeteria and on the way to class. Or just strike up a conversation with someone who is standing in line with you. Meeting people and making friends won’t ever be easier. Go to class – Again…a no brainier, but not attending class is an easy habit to slip into.

You can learn anywhere  Not all learning takes place in the classroom. Study abroad, go to lectures or documentary viewings and stick around for the discussion afterward, and try an internship or three. Talk to your roommate before you get to school .

In academics, “Don’t sweat the grades. If you put in an honest, diligent effort and are truly engaged in your work, then you’ll be fine. If studying a certain subject is like pulling teeth or is the last thing you want to do, then something’s wrong. If this subject is your major, then something is very wrong.” “Get to know your professors. It’s not high school anymore. Your classes can be 300+ and your professors will not come to you; you must come to them. Get to know them because they are your most valuable resources for academics and for extracurricular professional opportunities.” “Don’t depend on the teacher to remind you about due dates.”“Follow of the honor code cheating is not worth it!” 

“Take different classes. Even if you know what you want to major in, most students end up changing their major sometime during their college careers. Learn new things and open yourself up to a whole new future.” “Don’t be afraid to ask questions  especially in class or afterwards. No college professor is going to turn you away. He/she may not have the time to lead you through the problem, but they can, and most of the time will, lead you in the right direction.” 

“Don’t be afraid to take challenging, upper level courses. What’s important is one-on-one contact with a teacher and highly motivated students, something you’ll only get in smaller classes. This means getting over the fear of looking ignorant and realizing that everyone’s a novice at some point.” 
“Even if you really miss your home or your parents want you to come back, don’t do it until it has been at least a month since you were in college. The people who leave before then never feel like they have a foothold on college life, and end up leaving.”

“Splurge on organizing materials for your dorm, for your backpack, for all your papers. This is the most important thing you can do in order to preserve sanity as you find your free time slowly slipping away.” “Make friends with an older student who has already been through freshman year and can help make your first year easier.”

Friday, 18 November 2016

Tips for Preparing Your College Application

Applying for college can be an exciting, yet stressful part of a student’s senior year. This added stress can also cause strain on the entire family. The application process can be difficult to man oeuvre, especially for those families going through this process for the first time. Some of this stress can be alleviated by following simple tips that will help it become more manageable. Applying to college does not begin or end with the college application. Searching and choosing the best college for you also involves knowing when to apply, deciding whether to apply early decision, crafting college essays, and preparing for interviews with admissions officials. Our tips, tools, and expert advice can make the college application process easier. Start your applications early enough to complete them by the deadlines. Deadlines are usually between January 1 and February 15, although they may be earlier if you are applying early admission. Leaving blank fields or providing incomplete responses makes it look like you weren't paying attention. Take care to be thorough. Here we discussed about some Tips for Preparing Your College Application

1. Be Concise: Even though the Common Application main essay has only a suggested minimum of 250 words, and no upper limit, every admissions officer has a big stack to read every day; he or she expects to spend only a couple of minutes on the essay. If you go over 700 words, you are straining their patience, which no one should want to do.

2. Be Honest: Don't embellish your achievements, titles, and offices. It's just fine to be the copy editor of the newspaper or the treasurer of the Green Club, instead of the president. Not everyone has to be the star at everything. You will feel better if you don't strain to inflate yourself.
3. Be an individual. In writing the essay, ask yourself, "How can I distinguish myself from those thousands of others applying to College X whom I don't know—and even the ones I do know?" It's not in your activities or interests. If you're going straight from high school to college, you're just a teenager, doing teenage things. It is your mind and how it works that are distinctive. How do you think? Sure, that's hard to explain, but that's the key to the whole exercise.

4. Be Coherent: Obviously, you don't want to babble, but I mean write about just one subject at a time. Don't try to cover everything in an essay. Doing so can make you sound busy, but at the same time, scattered and superficial. The whole application is a series of snapshots of what you do. It is inevitably incomplete. The colleges expect this. Go along with them.

5. Be accurate: I don't mean just use spell check (that goes without saying). Attend to the other mechanics of good writing, including conventional punctuation in the use of commas, semi-colons, etc. If you are writing about Dickens, don't say he wrote Withering Heights. If you write about Nietzsche, spell his name right. In many cases it's an anecdote of an important moment. Provide some details to help the reader see the setting. Use the names (or invent them) for the other people in the story, including your brother, teacher, or coach. This makes it all more human and humane. It also shows the reader that you are thinking about his or her appreciation of your writing, which is something you'll surely want to do.

Colleges see themselves as communities, where people have to get along with others, in dorms, classes, etc. Are you someone they would like to have dinner with, hang out with, and have in a discussion section? Think, "How can I communicate this without just standing up and saying it, which is corny." Subtlety is good. You never know how someone you don't know is going to respond to you, especially if you offer something humorous. Humor is always in the eye of the beholder. Be funny only if you think you have to. Then think again.

So many kids write bland essays that don't take a stand on anything. It is fine to write about politics, religion, something serious, as long as you are balanced and thoughtful. Don't pretend you have the final truth. And don't just get up on your soapbox and spout off on a sensitive subject; instead, give reasons and arguments for your view and consider other perspectives. Colleges are places for the discussion of ideas, and admissions officers look for diversity of mind. Colleges are intellectual places, a fact they almost always keep a secret when they talk about their dorms, climbing walls, and how many sports you can play. It is helpful to show your intellectual vitality. What turns your mind on? This is not the same thing as declaring an intended major; what matters is why that subject interests you.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

5 Tips for Incoming College Sophomore Students

It’s common for incoming college freshmen to worry over their first year of college. When you reach sophomore year, however, the learning curve is far gentler because you’re already familiar with classmates, teachers, and college policies. It’s still important, though, to remain intentional about the way you navigate your sophomore year. The following suggestions can provide you with a sense of what to consider as you plan your second year of high school.

During freshman year, a wise student will reach out and get to know as many people as possible. The vast array of new faces awaiting an incoming freshman presents a ready group of new friends and acquaintances. Sophomores, however, should begin to identify the particular friendships that they wish to invest significant time in cultivating. A sophomore who spreads their time too thin, on the other hand, can fall into a pattern that will be difficult to break as high school draws to a close. Students should think about what kind of person they hope to become and find people who share some of those interests (although it is also beneficial to diversify your friendships to learn about different life perspectives). Additionally, students should ensure they do not spend time with peers who may negatively influence them or distract them from their goals and aspirations.
Sophomore year is a chance for students to delve deeper and explore what they truly desire out of life—before the questions of what college or university to attend and what major to choose bombard them in their junior and senior years. Cast a wide net, and become involved in various activities that have the potential to lead you to a desired career path. This will double as preparation for those pesky college questions, which will soon become frequent.

Sophomore year can be one of the best years of your college experience. Rarely again will the opportunity to explore the world so thoroughly present itself. Approach this opportunity intentionally, keep a long-term perspective, and have fun! Going off to college for the first time can be one of the most rewarding, yet terrifying experiences of your life. You may be moving to an entirely new place with a lot of unfamiliar faces while learning to live completely on your own. Sometimes the best way to overcome your inevitable first day of college anxieties is to reach out to students who’ve already been through the awkward and scary transition to college for some guidance. Don’t know many upperclassmen you can turn to for advice? Well, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Five rising sophomores sat down with me to reflect on their first-year college experiences and give some words of encouragement to incoming first-year students.

Before college, you attended a very small private school with about 50 people in your graduating class. Regardless of these circumstances, the transition even to a very large public school was great. Despite class sizes, professors made their courses feel intimate, and since everyone pretty much needs to begin from scratch, you found it easy to make friends with your fellow classmates.
The biggest difference between what you were expecting and the reality of college was the fact that you initially expected to view college as school and to view your house in Long Island as home. But a few months into the year, you found yourself referring to Cornell and your dorm as ‘home. you wish you had known that even though you have so much more free time in college  because classes don’t last the whole day that you would still be really busy with work outside of class and other activities. Therefore, managing time is essential.

The biggest surprise was the freedom. You know that college is the time for independence and freedom, but doing things like going out for frozen yogurt at midnight and inviting people over without having to ask anyone for permission always threw them for a loop. After having someone dictate practically every moment for 18 years, it’s a little overwhelming to say, ‘you want to do this and you are going to do it’ and not have to fight for permission. Doing your own laundry was as much of a downer as you expected though. The transition was harder than you expected. You didn’t expect to be hit with such loneliness at some moments, where you really missed home the place that you were so desperate to run away from after graduation. But there’s something to be said for living on a floor with other freshmen, because we all found our way together and built a support system that kept me focused and happy throughout the year.

Don’t bring too many things. “At the end of the year, you have to pack everything up, and it’s not fun to have ten boxes you have to store somewhere.” Stay healthy. “Getting sick takes you out of class and social stuff. It’s probably the worst thing that can happen to you in college. So, take care of yourself. Eat well, get sleep, and be happy.” Leave any baggage from home at home. “Don’t bring problems, burdens, and all that kind of stuff with you to college. It’s a time to start over and leave all that behind because it will help create a more positive, focused energy for your first semester.” Consider the “essentials.” “Bring a therapeutic mattress pad, and bring Halloween costumes. They’re so expensive!”  School of Work nearby. “I know money is a big issue. Some of us might worry about how to pay for those movie tickets or going to Pan era constantly. There are dozens of on-campus job opportunities that are very rewarding and can really ease your money pains.”

Main Benefits of Online Essay Writing Services

Anyone who has ever attended college or university can know the pressures related with being a student at an qualified educational facility. There is a lot riding on the hope that you will pass your classes, get good grades and be proficient to find a profession that will support your reasonable future. This stress can at times be crushing the economic cost of higher education alone is enough to make anyone a slight anxious. When your number one precedence is getting a good grade above all else you may consider subcontracting your essays. Now some companies presents the online essay writing methods with professional writers. They are well educated and have minimum PhD qualification. So most of the people are turning to these online content writers for their academic projects are because they simply cannot handle the workload or meet the prospect that is required. In online essay writing service have some benefits .Time management, Grade Improvement, GPA Improvement, Expand on Their Ideas are the main benefits in online essay writing service.

Sometimes it happens that you find yourself in a dire situation when your essay is due tomorrow or even today. Clearly, if you cannot write it up to the necessary standard, you should get qualified help. In this case you can approach professional writers. The world of internet has definitely given many opportunities that help complete large number of goals. And one such service is to find writing services or essay companies. Academic work is a task that each student might go ahead at some point or another. Getting, informative and experimentally inside and out composing assumes an grand part on your academic success and may additionally crash on achievement of your future profession. 
High school, college, and graduate students are turning to professional writing services to complete their essay writing projects. Even though many students are turning to professionals to trade their essays, it is a good idea to know what you are getting into before you commit your time and money. There are many advantages to purchasing an essay online, but here are some of the most commonly encountered ones. You do not need to struggle with a subject you are just not that into .You can use the time you would have spent writing the essay doing other things, such as assignments for other classes or involving yourself in an extra-curricular activity that will improve your resume .You can have more extra time. You can avoid spending an whole night working on the essay when you are running out of time. You can bring the essay within a very short amount of time. You can deliver a good essay and you can study how a good essay looks like, so that you can apply this on your future assignments.  

If you need to write a few essays but they are about topics that you are not known with and don't have the time to examine the topics, the writing service can help you. You may think that a writing service is costly but this is not the case. Depending on the company you work with, you would normally pay a reasonable fee. Signify fast-developing and qualified academic writing services that gained many followers over the last years. The major objective is to bring global students with excellent assignments and well-researched academic papers on constant bases. Their aim on turning all their customers into smart high achievers with the deep guidance from our academic writing service. It is a common incidence when global students complain on hard and arduous educational programs while attending high schools, colleges and universities all around the world. Students become tired of numerous subjects that they are gratified to attend and are simply dormant under huge piles of homework that they have to complete within stern deadlines. The unique academic writers are excited to optimize your studying program by presenting their trustworthy support on copious academic subjects to global students. They give international studying viewers a unique chance to order academic essay writing services from them, make their spare time more colorful, and hustle free...

Main Benefits of Online Essay Writing Services

Anyone who has ever attended college or university can know the pressures related with being a student at an qualified educational facility. There is a lot riding on the hope that you will pass your classes, get good grades and be proficient to find a profession that will support your reasonable future. This stress can at times be crushing the economic cost of higher education alone is enough to make anyone a slight anxious. When your number one precedence is getting a good grade above all else you may consider subcontracting your essays. Now some companies presents the online essay writing methods with professional writers. They are well educated and have minimum PhD qualification. So most of the people are turning to these online content writers for their academic projects are because they simply cannot handle the workload or meet the prospect that is required. In online essay writing service have some benefits .Time management, Grade Improvement, GPA Improvement, Expand on Their Ideas are the main benefits in online essay writing service.

Sometimes it happens that you find yourself in a dire situation when your essay is due tomorrow or even today. Clearly, if you cannot write it up to the necessary standard, you should get qualified help. In this case you can approach professional writers. The world of internet has definitely given many opportunities that help complete large number of goals. And one such service is to find writing services or essay companies. Academic work is a task that each student might go ahead at some point or another. Getting, informative and experimentally inside and out composing assumes an grand part on your academic success and may additionally crash on achievement of your future profession.

High school, college, and graduate students are turning to professional writing services to complete their essay writing projects. Even though many students are turning to professionals to trade their essays, it is a good idea to know what you are getting into before you commit your time and money. There are many advantages to purchasing an essay online, but here are some of the most commonly encountered ones. You do not need to struggle with a subject you are just not that into .You can use the time you would have spent writing the essay doing other things, such as assignments for other classes or involving yourself in an extra-curricular activity that will improve your resume .You can have more extra time. You can avoid spending an whole night working on the essay when you are running out of time. You can bring the essay within a very short amount of time. You can deliver a good essay and you can study how a good essay looks like, so that you can apply this on your future assignments.  

If you need to write a few essays but they are about topics that you are not known with and don't have the time to examine the topics, the writing service can help you. You may think that a writing service is costly but this is not the case. Depending on the company you work with, you would normally pay a reasonable fee. Signify fast-developing and qualified academic writing services that gained many followers over the last years. The major objective is to bring global students with excellent assignments and well-researched academic papers on constant bases. Their aim on turning all their customers into smart high achievers with the deep guidance from our academic writing service. It is a common incidence when global students complain on hard and arduous educational programs while attending high schools, colleges and universities all around the world. Students become tired of numerous subjects that they are gratified to attend and are simply dormant under huge piles of homework that they have to complete within stern deadlines. The unique academic writers are excited to optimize your studying program by presenting their trustworthy support on copious academic subjects to global students. They give international studying viewers a unique chance to order academic essay writing services from them, make their spare time more colorful, and hustle free...


Monday, 14 November 2016

Tips for Trading Your Best College Essay

Your essay reveals something important about you that your grades and test scores can't—your personality. It can give admission officers a sense of who you are, as well as showcasing your  essay writing skills. Try these tips to craft your essay. Nearly all colleges and universities require submitting a college essay. However, the thought of writing an essay makes many college-bound students break into a nervous sweat. After all, a poorly written essay is enough to cause students with stellar grades to be rejected from their top choice universities. Below are some useful tips for writing a college essay to help you through this crucial aspect of successfully applying to college. College essays are important because they let you reveal your personality. Learn how brainstorming and planning can help you write your best college essays.

Many students don’t think the college essay matters all that much in the college application, but since this is the only time students can “talk” to a college, the essay proves to be very important. Since colleges are reading the essays to get a sense of the student’s “voice”, you’ll want to write a personal essay that shows them how you think, how you feel, and what matters to you in the world. The “Why Us” essay asks students to explain what they see in the college that makes it a special place to them and how they plan on making the most of what the college has to offer. In answering both of these kinds of essays, the student will want to make sure they communicate in an honest way that completely answers the question, and that they do so in their own words. Students will also want to make sure they aren’t being too personal in their responses, and that they select an editor for their essays who is willing to support the student’s efforts to write their own best essay, and nothing more.
In many ways, the essay is the most important part of the college application. Think about it: the grades you’ve earned in your high school classes tell part of the story of who you’ve been, and so do your test scores. But where do the colleges get to find out who you are now, and learn more about what matters to you, what you think about, and what you’d like to do in the future? All of those answers can be part of a strong college essay, where sharing the story of your life can make all the difference between bringing your application to life, and being just another applicant with a bunch of numbers.

Get started by brainstorming-Starting the essay can be the hardest part. Brainstorming about your personality traits and defining your strengths is a good place to begin.

Let your first draft flow
Let your first draft flow
Let your first draft flow

After you've gathered your notes, create an outline to organize your essay and decide where you want examples to appear. Now you're ready to write your first draft. Don't worry about making it perfect. Just get your ideas flowing and your thoughts down on paper. You'll fix mistakes and improve the writing in later drafts.

Develop three essay parts:

Introductions: One paragraph that introduces your essay.
Body: Several paragraphs explaining the main idea with examples.
Conclusion: One paragraph that summarizes and ends the essay.

Be specific-Give your essay focus by figuring out how the question relates to your personal qualities and then taking a specific angle. Make sure everything you write supports that viewpoint. Read about how some students 

Find a creative angle-Katherine, a college freshman, had to describe why she would make a good Reed College student for that school's essay.

Be honest-The essay question might ask you about your best quality, an experience that shaped you or the reason you want to attend a certain college. Don't be tempted to write what you think the admission officers want to hear; answer the question honestly.

Get feedback Show your draft to family, friends or teachers. Ask if it makes sense and sounds like you. Consider their feedback and make changes, but keep your voice. High school senior Dana warns, "Make sure the essay is in your own voice. If at some point you read over your essay and you hear your mother's voice, something is wrong."

Proofread and make corrections-Read your essay over carefully to check for typos and spelling and grammar errors. It's best to ask someone who hasn't seen it yet to take a look as well. They're likely to see mistakes you won't catch. While you should still know how to pick your classes and eventually how to choose a major, you’ll have more time to explore your interests and be open to new ideas and career choices.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

6 Tips for Writing the Best College Application Essay

In our experience, the main worry that applicants have is that their essay won’t stand out. This is a legitimate concern as you will likely compete with numerous applicants who have backgrounds similar to yours. Therefore, follow these tips to ensure that your essay shines in the competitive admissions process. Parents and students often ask us for our most valuable Common Application essay tips, so our savvy team of advisors compiled a list of simple, effective tricks to use as guidelines while you navigate the tricky waters of college essay writing. Try to use them for good and not for evil. “Difference” for many parents and students has been an obstacle, even the enemy. Now, when difference is to be celebrated and prized, it’s not so easy to uncover. Ahead of our brainstorming meeting, distraught parents will drop their student off at my office and announce in exasperation, “Good luck brainstorming about what to write for the essay. We got nothing!”Here are a few tips to make it Writing the Best College Application Essay

1. Assume Small: When writing the Common Application essay, too many students feel compelled to try and squeeze their entire life story into 650 words. This, friends, is impossible. It is almost always better to think small first. Find a story or event in your life that really meant something to you.  Did you win a competition at the last second?  Was your family stranded on vacation with no power for five days? Have you read something recently that blew your mind?  Now ask yourself- are any of these stories representatives of my larger, most valuable qualities?  The perfect essay topic showcases your personality, passions and/or ambitions without trying to do too much at once. Talking about your family’s adoption of a three-legged dog and how you’re pet’s perseverance and quirky attitude influenced the way you live your life, will make a better essay than a super general diatribe on why you like dogs, for example. If you find yourself getting lost while writing, ask: what am I trying to say about myself, and am I using a specific, compelling example to tell my story?

2. Write First, Edit Later: When it comes to writing, we are almost always our own worst critics.  So many students want and expect themselves to produce pure, uninhibited brilliance the first time their fingers hit the keys, but that is almost never the way good essay writing works. Writing a compelling essay is a process, and the best writing can often be plucked from our stream-of-consciousness efforts. Don’t edit yourself before you allow your creativity to warm up and pour onto the page. Never judge your writing until you have a few paragraphs written down first. You can always cut what doesn’t work and it is much easier to work with an overabundance of words and ideas than nothing at all.

3. Kill Those Cliches: We’re not going to beat around the bush here: cliches really get our goats. When you take that trip down memory lane, telling us about the time you were a mover and a shaker putting your nose to the grindstone it makes our blood boil. We’re content and grammar snobs, so we find cliches to be extra unappealing, but us also have enough confidence in your creativity to know that you can do better. Admissions essay readers know it too, and expect you to think out of the box without using phrases like “think out of the box.” So strike those tired sentences from your essay and do it now. Never put off tomorrow what you can do today. It actually hurt us to write that.

4. It’s All in the Details: What is the difference between these two sentences? 1. Favorite activities included fishing and cooking my daily catch. 2. Friends and I woke up early every morning to catch bass on Lake Michigan, cooking our spoils with herbs picked from a local farm. In the first sentence, we understand that you enjoyed certain activities. In the second, yes, we know you like fishing but we also understand your commitment to an activity you engaged in every day and recognize that your fishing trips are a social effort. There is a sense of time and place- we can see the setting, smell the herbs. With a few extra words, sentence two tells us much more about your fishing experience. Many students have a tendency to skew generic in the telling of their personal stories.  What makes an essay memorable is often the sum of the little things. If you can paint a clear picture for your reader by providing details, you are much more likely to lodge a marker in their memories.

5. If Nothing Else, Consider: Imagine you’re a college essay reader at an upstanding academic institution and it is your job to read dozens of essays a day, every day, for weeks on end. Ninety percent of the essays that pass your desk are stone-cold boring, and maybe ten percent break through the fuzz and force you to pay attention. As an applicant, you want your essay to shine a bright light in the face of that oft-bored reader. No matter what your subject, serious, uplifting, sentimental or pithy, your essay should aim to entertain. This will require many elements working together in harmony. You will need a compelling subject, a direct and powerful narrative, impeccable grammar and a memorable style. A little laughter never hurts either. It is often hard to know whether an essay is truly entertaining until the end stages of writing, but when you are reading over your drafts, the question should always be in the back of your mind: Is this essay fun to read? Some students achieve entertainment value by being controversial. Others load their pieces with comic relief. Some are able to describe events in such detail that a reader simply must get to the end of the essay. No matter what tactics you end up using, your goal should be effortless and compelling readability.

6. Make Yourself: In order for your essay to be truly effective, a reader should be able to summarize your subject in a simple sentence. You accomplish this self-branding by choosing a creative topic (or a creative twist on a common topic), and writing about it with enough detail to burn an image of yourself in the reader’s brain. When it comes down to you and another similarly qualified candidate, you want an admissions officer to be able to stand up with your application in his/her hand and say, “I like the girl who performed trapeze in the circus,” or “How about the girl who saved her grandfather’s life?” It will be much harder to remember “the girl who practiced the trapeze, and was also good at riding bikes, and who got an A on every test and who generally worked very hard,” or “the girl who really loved her late grandfather and who feels like she embodies a lot of his core characteristics.” Focus your story. When you finish writing your first draft, do a branding test- try to label yourself based on your essay and see what you come up with. If you can’t easily narrow it down to a punchy description, you probably need to alter or simplify your essay.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

How to Survive Freshman Year of College

Freshman year can be one of the most confusing and exciting times of your life. All of a sudden, you are completely surrounded by members of the opposite sex, have almost total freedom, and your only responsibility is to make good grades. There are things you can do to make the transition into college smoother, but there are going to be bumps in the road regardless. You start college with a clean academic slate, along with a lot of independence and a myriad of critical decisions as you begin the transition into adulthood. The decisions that you make and the actions you take during this first year of college will have a major impact on the rest of your college experience.
There is no avoiding them, but if you follow these tips, you should be able to come out ahead. And by ahead, I mean not having a dismal GPA that you have to work to bring back up for the next three years.

Get to know your professors. Seriously, everyone shares this sage piece of advice, but few college students actually follow it their first year. Build relationships with the professors you have something in common with – whether that’s a passion for bird calling, gender equality, or belonging to the same department.

It’s important to establish relationships with your professors early on so you have time to build on them and make them stronger in future years, which will only make for better recommendations and advice, advantageous connections on your campus and community, and an overall better college experience.

Leave your dorm room. Though it is tempting to spend hours on end watching television and procrastinating, leave your dorm room. Mingle with your hall mates and attend campus events with people, even if it’s not up your alley. It gives you an excuse to be exposed to the campus culture and a lot more people you may not have met.

On that note, get to know your hall mates. You are spending a year with these people, so you might as well make some friends while you are at it. Besides, getting to know people makes things less awkward for future in-the hall encounters and allows you to avoid the awkward saying hello dilemma when you see someone.

Explore and find good places on campus to study that work with you. Studying in your room really isn’t advisable because it’s really easy to become distracted. From the alluring appeal of your cosy bed, blaring sounds of music, your roommate’s problems or chatter, to the need to tidy up your room before you study … when you’re trying to study and/or procrastinate everything becomes an excuse. At the same time, the library doesn’t always work either. Find what does work and explore your campus at the same time.

Explore your food options on and off campus. Know where you can get food on campus and figure out your late night and date night options around town.
Don’t be scared about befriending upperclassmen. Grade boundaries aren’t as big of a deal in college as they are in high school. You will have upperclassmen in some or many of your classes and these upper-class men can unlock doors, in the academic and social world, that you never realized existed.
In an academic year, all students suffering from their workload. The first year students don’t have much time for their actual works. When their teachers give seminar, essays and assignments etc. An average student spends about one month per year on writing. It’s approximately six months for the whole university life. Impressive, isn’t it? The Essay Writing Service Company is willing to help you with writing academic papers of any difficulty. Just leave your requirements in the order form. The great writers will start working on your assignment right away. In a due time, you get a high-quality paper without efforts. What’s more, you get plenty of free time.

Don’t party too hard – know your limits. It’s way too easy to get too crazy your first year. You’re independent, and free from your parents. But remember why you’re paying for college it’s not only for the awesome social scene. It’s not a big deal to party every weekend as long as you have time for yourself, your academics, and other things that matter to you.
Explore the city, town, or rural setting that you are currently located in. There are tons to do wherever you are and each place offers its own charms and quirks  don’t wait until your senior year to find out what your area has to offer. 

Break the bubble. Go beyond your university. It's easy to be on campus all the time, especially if you go to a big school where much of the city is also your campus. Go beyond the obvious locations those students at your university frequent and truly immerse yourself in the community-at-large and its residents.

You’ve done all the prep work you’ve gotten good grades in high school, scored well on a standardized test, and been accepted into the college you want to attend so enjoy all your hard work while laying the groundwork for a successful college career. Don’t be a statistic; be determined to make it through your freshman year and beyond. Take advantage of your network of new friends and professors, have fun while learning as much as you can, and get the most out of your college experience.